Extraordinary acupuncture points
There are 361 Primary Acupuncture Points and 68 Extraordinary Points in our classic TCM Text Books to treat different diseases. And there are more than few hundreds magic pressure points and Extraordinary pressure points from other schools of theories. Like the famous Master Tung’s acupuncture, Reflexologist acupuncture, Mirroring acupuncture and also the experience points collections from practitioners. They were highly used and succeeded in treating all different types of problems and illnesses.
Some scholars believe that the extraordinary points are relied on the neurological transmitter to relief pain. And that’s why Acupuncturist often use the points in the foot to treat headache, toothache, facial pains and more, use the points on the scalp to treat low back pain, Hip pain, leg pains, foot pain and more.
In Oriental Medicine theory, points relate much more than nero-transmitting functions. They may superficially connect to skin than go deeper to Facia, Tendons, Muscles, Bones and Organs. That’s why Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture can treat numerous different diseases.