中醫 Zhong Yi

中醫 Zhong Yi

By Dr.Mia LAc MSc

TCM- Traditional Chinese Medicine in Chinese Characters is 中醫(Zhong Yi) , most of people know that 中(Zhong)means 中國 China, 醫(Yi) means 醫學,醫療 Medicine. But lesser people thought about that 中(Zhong) in Zhong Yi also has the meaning of Balancing,Central, Middle, Neutral.
中 Zhong,Balance is the essence, the fundamental theory in TCM. When our TCM practitioners seeing a patient, a very important part is that we always need to differentiate whose conditions are excess or deficiency, Yin or Yang, Cold or Hot and bring it back to neutral. If a patient suffer with the fever, of course we need to bring the body temperature back to normal. If some one has the blood deficiency (anemia) for sure we need to boost back to regular. If a patient has low energy, poor appetite, diarrhea , we need to stop the diarrhea and uplift the energy level and appetite. These examples are very basic and easy to understand. Of course besides these mentioned, there are so much more a TCM practitioner need to put in consideration.
中Zhong is not only used in TCM. In our life, you may also apply the word 中Zhong onto everything. Your work, exercise, diet, sex, entertainment, social, charity, meditation, family, friends, colleagues…… everything and anything should be balanced. Too much and too little may lead to a bad consequence and illness in ways and forms.
Understand and learn to live our life with 中Zhong is the best way to prevent diseases occurring, revise and cure the minor illnesses. 中Zhong is the key to health, wealth, happiness and longevity.